Uti vår hage | 2024
In their program “Uti vår hage”, DIE FIXEN NIXEN opened the treasure chest of Nordic choral music: Folk songs by Veljo Tormis and Knut Nystedt from Sweden, Norway and Estonia, a Sami joik by Mari Boine, poems by the Finn Lassi Nummi, set to music by Einojuhani Rautavaara and much more from the almost inexhaustible repertoire of Baltic and Scandinavian women’s choral literature were performed by the choir in the KulturKirche Nikodemus in Berlin-Neukölln during Advent 2024.
The New Woman | 2024
On the occasion of International Women’s Day DIE FIXEN NIXEN • DER CHOR held a concert and reading at Ballhaus Wedding in March 2024.
In the musical and literary program »The New Woman«, they once again focused on the work of female composers whose works are underrepresented compared to those of their male male colleagues.

4 Centimeters | 2022
4 centimeters that‘s roughly how little space the published choral works of female composers takes up on the shelf, if you put the music sheets next to each other. The meager size is in stark contrast to the published choral works of male colleagues, which can fill about 7 metres of shelf space.
DIE FIXEN NIXEN • DER CHOR thinks that this urgently needs to change. Their scenic concert »4 Centimeters« presents classical and modern female composers and ensures more space on the shelf with the world premieres of new compositions by two internationally active musicians.
»4 Centimeters« is a music project funded by the Berline Choral Association and the German Composers‘ Association, which premiered in Berlin in autumn 2022 in collaboration with the theater maker Nina Gühlstorff.
Voices from the audience:
“It was so interesting, but also so funny and so emotional and also so sad…”
“I just say: revival!”
More information about the project can be found here.
Mensch, Musik! #3 Hotspot Erde | 2022
On 22 April, Earth Day, DIE FIXEN NIXEN performed at the special concert »Mensch, Musik! #3 Hotspot Erde« together with the Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin under the direction of chief conductor Vladimir Jurowski.
The musical-scenic evening was dedicated to man-made climate change and composers of all epochs – such as Alfred Schnittke and Claude Debussy – who dealt with the beauty of nature and the relationship of man to his environment.

Goes Pop! | 2020
A concert? – No concert… In April 2020, due to the Corona lockdown DIE FIXEN NIXEN had to cancel their pop programme »A Heavenly Happy Rhapsody« with songs from Queen to Bon Iver at short notice. This was followed by a rehearsal period in virtual space with the creation of the »Corona-Mixes« – individually recorded tracks by the »Nixen« arranged by Ralf Sochaczewsky.
Heavently Father (Corona Mix)
Verdi-Requiem | 2019
Together with the »Symfonieorkest Nijmegen« and the Berlin choir »Cantus Domus«, DIE FIXEN NIXEN performed Giuseppe Verdi’s Requiem in the magnificent setting of Berlin’s Konzerthaus am Gendarmenmarkt in 2019. The »Messa da Requiem« – a work that sounds like Verdi’s most magnificent opera, that is sublimely radiant like church music and as thrilling as a revolutionary freedom mass!
Dies Irae – Chor, Soli & Soloquartetti
Kirialesa | 2017
In connectedness with the Georgian women’s choir »Turtachela« (Moonlight), DIE FIXEN NIXEN • DER CHOR and »Singfrauen Berlin« performed at this Georgian-German winter concert.

Prologue | 2017
Byrd, Tchaikovsky, Rautavaara – in the concert »Prologue«, DIE FIXEN NIXEN presented their musical competition programme in preparation for the Berlin Chortreff 2017.
Memento, salutis auctor
B’ez Pari da b’ez Vr’em’eni
Dillon | 2015
DIE FIXEN NIXEN • DER CHOR and Dillon: For the closing concert of the »Foreign Affairs« festival at the Haus der Berliner Festspiele in 2015, Brazilian-born Dominique Dillon de Byington engaged with foreign voices and introduced them into her hitherto very hermetic personalised musical universe. »Die Fixen Nixen« let their voices be heard as the singer’s background choir.
Here is the concert recording.