What we do
The repertoire of DIE FIXEN NIXEN • DER CHOR is diverse! Widely contrasting works are an integral part of the programme: from renaissance and baroque pieces, to cool pop. From German and Georgian folk and lullabies, to barbershop songs and modern composers such as the Finn Einojuhani Rautavaara and the Belarusian Oxana Omelchuk.
Singing along
DIE FIXEN NIXEN • DER CHOR is looking for new members! Basic knowledge of reading music and | or experience in choral singing are important to the choir. Currently, singers of soprano are particuarly needed. But singers of other voices are also warmly welcome.
Interested in joining the rehearsal? Then write to: mitsingen@fxnx.de
Visit to the singing and dancing festival, Tallinn | 2025
DIE FIXEN NIXEN are preparing for a choir trip to the singing and dancing festival in Tallinn. The song and dance festival takes place every 5 years and is an integral part of Estonian culture. It is a unifying element of society that has been celebrated for over 150 years. DIE FIXEN NIXEN are looking forward to being part of this special event!
Farewell to Ralf Sochaczewsky | 2022
After 22 years DIE FIXEN NIXEN • DER CHOR says goodbye to Ralf Sochaczewsky as artistic director. The choir looks back on a valuable time of growing together and thanks Ralf Sochaczewsky for his constant commitment to tonal precision, his introduction to wonderful musical challenges and for making unforgettable stage experiences possible!
Photo: © Johanna Scheffel
Memento, salutis auctor
B’ez Pari da b’ez Vr’em’eni
Messa da Requiem – Dies irae
Heavenly Father (Corona Mix)
Sunny Side of the Street (Corona Mix)
Dillon „A Family Affair“
Da unten im Tale
Ergen Deda
Shen Khar Venakhi

DIE FIXEN NIXEN • DER CHOR performs on stage once or twice a year on average. Click here for a selection of concerts in recent years.
DIE FIXEN NIXEN are available for booking! The overview of some of our engagements can be found here.

»Georgia will never let us go!« – Sponsored by the Goethe Institut, DIE FIXEN NIXEN set off on their first trip abroad to Georgia in 2014.